How CSI is addressing the court reporter shortage

Julie Villafuerte - CSI Litigation Support

A court reporter crisis

The deposition is about to begin, and you realize your court reporter isn’t there. You panic. Then you recall you did schedule a court reporter with a large national court reporting agency.  You check your email and see the agency emailed you late last night to let you know “We are sorry, we don’t have anyone.”  It sounds like a nightmare, but in reality, it is happening daily.  Across the country, jurisdictions are dealing with a lack of court reporters. Retirements and low enrollments in court reporter training programs has led to the shortage. The National Court Reporters Association estimates a shortage of 5,000 court reporters throughout the United States. Articles in local publications and national newspapers have been sounding the alarm about the court reporter shortage. So, what can be done? We can help!

We speak with paralegals and attorneys who regularly marvel at how CSI can consistently schedule high-quality court reporters across the country daily. Meeting the challenge of the increasing court reporter shortage is not simple, but the CSI approach is. We’ve built relationships with the best of the best court reporters and work as partners with them to ensure they are scheduled for assignments that meet their requirements and the requirements of the ordering party. It’s this diligent focus on matching the needs of the court reporter with the paralegal and attorney that has allowed us to build solid relationships with both to ensure we can deliver. Court reporter assignments are also made when you schedule, not the day before your deposition as the large national court reporting agencies do. 


Meeting the needs of the court reporter and the attorney

Court reporters like working with CSI because we recognize their value and contributions and treat them the right way. Paralegals and attorneys schedule with us because they know we can find a high caliber court reporter – even in remote locations – who will deliver a transcript and experience they will be pleased with. We consistently receive positive feedback on both the quality of the transcripts produced by CSI scheduled court reporters as well as the court reporters themselves. Their demeanor, interactions with counsel and attention to detail are three of the things consistently mentioned by attorneys and paralegals who schedule with CSI. 

Although there may be a growing shortage of court reporters, we have the solution. Put us to the test and we’ll prove that its still possible to find a top-notch court reporter for your next deposition. 

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